New Trimble GNSS Receiver Delivers Survey Precision

21 September 2023
GeoSpatial World

AI Generated Summary

Trimble has introduced the new Trimble R580 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, the next generation in its portfolio of Trimble ProPoint GNSS positioning engine-enabled receivers.

The R580’s advanced technology provides access to survey-precise positioning for challenging GNSS environments, and together with software, such as Trimble AccessTM and Trimble TerraFlex® field software, the R580 makes it easy to collect and communicate information as part of a professional-grade field-to-office workflow.

The R580 has the field-proven Trimble ProPoint GNSS engine on board, and uses the Trimble MaxwellTM 7 chipset technology to provide fast processing, anti-spoofing capability and the ability to track all available GNSS constellations.

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